License for Antique Dealer in Japan
How to obtain Antique Dealer License in Japan?
In case you buy a secondhand goods and sell them to others as businesses, you need to obtain a license from Japanese Authority to become an antique dealer.
If you want to be a secondhand dealer newly, you have to prepare required documents based on Secondhand Articles Dealer Act and apply to the nearest Police Station with prepared documents.
The required documents are shown on the website of each prefectural police organization but the language of website is Japanese even in the case of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Organization. And it is not easy to understand, even for Japanese.
And if the antique dealer is individual and he or she is non-Japanese or director of the company is non-Japanese, special documents is required.
I have a national qualification of Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist and can do all procedures in order to obtain the license for antique dealers.
And I am an expert of the application for dealers which has non-Japanese.
If you have any questions or want me to guide you to obtain the license of the antique dealers, please feel free to contact me by e-mail. <>
Your inquiry is highly appreciated.
Gyoseishoshi Lawyer
Toshihiko Umemura
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